
This be the place of Cthulu, squid-like scourge of the sea.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blah, today has been one of those days. I'm off of school for the next five days, we're on spring break here and I don't know what to do with my time off. Sure, I want to go out and have wild adventures and enjoy my youth, but I don't want to pay for it with my minimal income and unemployment. I think this break is going to be amazing until Tuesday, but long and drawn out until next Monday. :0


  1. Don't have money for spring break? Play video games. Worst thing you can do though, watch shows about spring break, it'll make you feel like a loser, something video games never do.....

  2. congrats on the break, lots of people arent lucky enough to get a vacation like that, have fun

  3. The direction of my blog is probably going to work its way into the basis of yours eventually. Haha.

  4. Also, turn off your comment verifications. ;D

  5. Lucky bastard. . . I just got back from spring break last week.

  6. My spring break just ended. I dunno how old you are, or if you're more manly than I am, but a 12 pack of hard lemonade is $11.00 and pretty girls LOVE hard lemonade. Just kick back with the people you adore.

  7. Just call up your buddies and chill. You've got your whole life to spend a couple grand on a beach vacation.

  8. know the feeling unemployment sucks

  9. seriously, don't sweat it. it'd only be for like a week, and then all that money is gone. Do something a little cheaper that will bring as much happiness :)

  10. Spring break isn't very dark or brooding
