
This be the place of Cthulu, squid-like scourge of the sea.

Friday, October 5, 2018

The Perception of Truth

Below is a post I read and saved from the other day that too few people are going to read or investigate, I think. Credit will be given at the end to the author, and I'll source a link to it. Political truth TODAY, is not as true as many people choose to believe it is. Blah

On the Senate floor Wednesday, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he had accurately predicted earlier that Democrats would say that the "supplemental background investigation for which my friends had clamored would suddenly become insufficient."
This is such a consistent move by Republicans, and it is so fucking slimey.
The Democrats were fighting so that the FBI could do a proper investigation to uncover some facts surrounding the case. Republicans fought it tooth and nail, until Flake forced their hand.
Now that they're stuck with an FBI investigation they never wanted, the White House and Senate Republicans restrained the investigation. But in order to get ahead of the game, they preemptively discredited the Democrats justifiable concerns by saying "Oh, you Democrats will just say that the investigation is insufficient" while they took actions to ensure the investigation would be insufficient.
They do this shit over, and over, and over again. They do this preemptive partisan bullshit where they poison the political landscape, and attack their political opponents using the very problems they just created.
But when people call them on it, it just ends up looking like petty partisan bickering that is mirrored on both sides. People who don't really pay attention will see both sides as the same, and that always provides cover to the worst actors. When Democrats say that Republicans don't have respect for American servicemembers, it looks like Democrats are just stealing Republican talking points.
Its gross. Republicans always prop themselves up as the Party of Patriotism. Not only does it do harm by being grossly untrue, it poisons the ground for anyone who is actually Patriotic but isn't a raging hypocrite. If someone calls themselves a Patriot on facebook, is it more likely that they have studied and care deeply about the Constitution, or that they have a Confederate flag hanging from the back of their pickup? What reasonable person wants to call themselves a Patriot, when hyper-partisans have effectively created a monopoly on the concept of Patriotism?
I wish progressives would work to take back the concept of Patriotism. They're the ones that are working to make the country they love a better place.

Written courtesy of user (/u/TheDville)

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